July Quick Links

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July Quick Links

Get connected to the the latest small business news and resources. This month’s quick links are dedicated to recruiting, retention and retraining your workforce.

27 Free Job Posting Sites for 2021 – Article from Career Cloud

Labor Shortage Is Forcing Restaurants To Get Creative – Article from Forbes Magazine

5 ways to address the skills shortage – Insight from HCM Works

Alternative workforce solutions – Ideas from SHRM

The Advantages of a Cooperative Business – Article by Nicky LaMarco of CHRON.com

Co-ops: A Tool for Small Business Recovery – Insights from JDSUPRA

Wisconsin Employer Checklist for Hiring Your First Employee 

Employee Incentive Programs: 32 Examples for Your Business – Indeed for Employers Article

Does your organization have news or tips you want to share?  Contact us at [email protected] to have your next topic added to ‘Quick Links’ section.

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